Health For All.
Seek a healthy mind in a healthy body. Fortunately, there are few real mysteries when it comes to health. One only need work inside a paradigm whose approach is (1) seek out the root cause of dis-ease, and then (2) address the root causes. We use functional medicine tests to uncover root causes, and time-proven herbs and research-proven supplements to help the body resolve the issues.
Integrative medicine takes an individual whole-person approach to healing. The vision is that our approach become available to all.
Sadly, the approach that health insurance covers, conventional modern medicine, is different. The focus is not health but rather that of managing symptoms.: sick-care. A disease is a constellation of symptoms in this model and once the symptoms are suppressed, the disease is gone. The “sickness” has been managed (sick-care) but the underlying cause has not. Health has not been established, and usually it isn’t too long before new symptoms arise, producing a new diagnosis.
That said, our long-term vision is to become a not-for-profit entity. To use profits from clients to provide services (including testing and nutritional adjuncts) to those who cannot afford such services. In the meanwhile we offer when possible pro bono work and also use kind donations to provide additional opportunities to be of service.
Vincent Graziano
Integrative Health Practitioner