The health, energy, and vibrance you deserve.
An Integrative Approach to Health.
There's a definite reason you're not feeling well right now. It isn't a mystery, and you CAN get well. Don't let anyone tell you that you have to feel this way for the rest of your life.
We find the underlying cause of current dis-ease. Then provide a holistic healing plan, involving: lifestyle changes, herbal and supplement formulations, and daily movement goals. The protocols are Individualized, setting the stage for your body to bring itself back to health.
Now is the time to start. We will meet you wherever you are on your journey.
Functional Medicine Testing.
Functional medicine tests are inherently different than the typical tests an M.D. orders. Functional medicine tests show underlying imbalances, presence of sensitivities, presence of toxic metals, presence of parasites, bacteria, viruses, and fungi. In short, there are only so many underlying causes to dis-ease but myriad ways to be expressed as symptoms (based on factors such as genetics). These simple, at home, tests get to the root cause and get you back to health quickly, without guessing.
The D E S T R E S S Protocol.
Our practice is structured around the proven D E S T R E S S protocol as practiced and taught by Dr. Stephen Cabral. We take an incremental approach to healing, folding in new aspects in every 3-6 weeks.
The protocol looks at DIET: are you eating right for your body type, EXERCISE: is your exercise routine right for you, STRESS: finding new ways to decrease and unload the stress of daily life, TOXINS: how to remove these from your every day life, REST: how to reset your sleep cycle, EMOTIONS: how to increase happiness & feel good factor, SUPPLEMENTS: science-backed, individual-based high quality functional medicine supplement plans, SUCCESS: cultivating a mindset that ensures success.
Lifestyle and Fitness Coaching
Our clients are people looking to live the best versions of their lives. For us this means a holistic approach that goes well-beyond running tests and suggesting supplements; lifestyle and diet recommendations are part of our protocols. For those with specific fitness goals we offer individualized coaching.
“The only thing better than feeling this good is getting to feeling this good.” — Dave S.